
Apple Cider Vinegar & Herbs

Harness the Synergy of Multiple Herbs & ACV


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Incorporating multiple phytochemicals from several antifungal herbs is likely going to be the best way to naturally get rid of Candida.
Incorporating multiple phytochemicals from several antifungal herbs is likely going to be the best way to naturally get rid of Candida.

Using an apple cider vinegar douche for a yeast infection is a great way to acidify the vagina and make it less conducive to the overgrowth of yeast fungi. There are herbs you can add to your vinegar to make it more effective against yeast. To learn more about how to create an herbal vinegar that can be used as a douche, or topical antiseptic, you can peruse this article: apple cider vinegar for yeast infections.

In addition to using herbs in a douche with apple cider vinegar, you can ingest certain herbs and use other herbs as topical treatments. The herbs we will discuss on this page can all be used in a herbal vinegar, or used by themselves. Studies suggest that by using several different antifungal herbs, a synergistic effect occurs; making combinations of antifungal herbs more effective than using only one antifungal herb in isolation.

What you need to know about ACV before you use it, is that this vinegar, like any other vinegar with 5% acidity, can cause chemical burns to the skin. If you consistently use ACV on your skin, it can irritate it. And, if you allow ACV enough time in contact with the skin, it will cause a chemical burn. Vinegar is strong stuff! Make sure you use a diluted form; you won’t need a strong concentration to kill Candida. As research has shown, about a 0.5% concentration of regular ACV with a 5% acidity, can be enough to kill Candida.

The vagina or penis is a sensitive area of the body; and regular vinegar can easily burn these areas. If you want to allow even diluted ACV extended contact with the genitals, it would be wise to enlist the help of a medical professional first. Some women want to know if they can use ACV with a tampon. You certainly can, and it will work to help get rid of a yeast infection; but, you need to be careful to use a safe, low dilution of the vinegar. Using a tampon soaked in ACV is one way to provide the vagina extended contact with this natural remedy. Yet, even at low concentrations you might end up experiencing irritation. If you do see irritation or pain, make sure you discontinue using the ACV tampon immediately. For more information on using a tampon with ACV, you can always read through the article on this site: Making an Apple Cider Vinegar Tampon for a Yeast Infection.

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Garlic and Vinegar

Garlic is a powerful, natural antifungal food.  You may want to try inserting one or two cloves of garlic (attached to a string) into your vagina while you sleep.  This is an effective treatment.
Garlic is a powerful, natural antifungal food. You may want to try inserting one or two cloves of garlic (attached to a string) into your vagina while you sleep. This is an effective treatment.

Garlic contains two powerful chemical constituents that are capable of treating a yeast infection: allicin and ajoene. Allicin has been proven to have antimicrobial abilities, and can kill fungus—especially the fungus responsible for most yeast infections, Candida albicans. Ajoene, the other potent antifungal chemical compound found in garlic, has been utilized to treat fungal infections. Garlic gels with a one percent concentration of ajoene are approximately as effective as Lamisil. If you plan on making an herbal vinegar with garlic, you might want to do two things to your vinegar to ensure there is a good amount of both chemicals in the garlic vinegar you create.

The first thing you should know about when using garlic, is that the antifungal chemical allicin is very unstable. Allicin is created when two other chemicals in garlic, alliin and alliinase, get mixed together. In a pure state, allicin’s half life is under 3 hours; causing you to have to use it quite quickly if you wish to harness allicin’s capabilities. Additionally, the enzyme alliinase is deactivated if it is exposed to substances with a pH of 3 or lower. Most vinegars, if not diluted, have a pH that ranges from 2.4 to 3.4. As a result, If you place garlic directly into apple cider vinegar, there is a chance that the enzyme alliinase will be deactivated by the acidic vinegar. You can try diluting the vinegar with water to help raise the pH so that is well above 3.

To get the most out of garlic, you should include it in your herbal vinegar, and also use the cloves in other fashions. An effective oral dose of garlic, may be difficult to ascertain. A raw, crushed garlic clove has a very, very strong flavor; in fact, it might even slightly burn your mouth! The flavor is so strong, you may even vomit. Garlic is a common food, so its safe to try and eat it freshly crushed; however, this should be avoided. It is best to procure some empty gelatin capsules and insert freshly crushed garlic clove pulp into the capsules. You can then swallow the capsules without the extremely strong garlic flavor.

If you have made the garlic pulp pills, you may want to take a few two to three times every day. It also may be wise to start with a low dose at first; to ascertain how your body will be effected by this potent herb.

If you wish to use garlic directly in your vagina, you can make a little sack of gauze and insert one chopped clove of garlic into the gauze sack. You may want to firmly squeeze the clove before you chop it. This will hopefully allow the alliin and alliinase to be released—and they will combine to produce allicin. Next, attach a string to the sack and use it just like you would a tampon, and insert it into your vagina each night before you sleep. In the morning when you awake from sleep, remove the gauze sack. It would be prudent to then douche with diluted vinegar and then wash the vaginal canal out with water. You can repeat this process for up to 6 consecutive nights.

To use garlic in vinegar, put freshly chopped garlic cloves into vinegar and let it steep for one to four weeks. You can try using it after just one day if you need it immediately; however, the longer you allow it to steep, the more vinegar will contain more phtyochemicals from the cloves. To ensure you get allicin as well, you may wish to crush garlic cloves and allow them to sit for several minutes, thereby allowing the allicin to form via the alliin and alliinase reaction. Once the allicin is formed, you can add the crushed garlic to your apple cider vinegar and use it immediately. You can use the vinegar in a bath, as a topical skin treatment, or as a vaginal douche.

Again, remember to dilute the vinegar first before you use it topically or in the genital area. This is important to avoid skin irritation and burns from the harsh vinegar. Topical applications should probably not exceed 0.5%; thus the total amount of vinegar in a douche should comprise just a tiny amount; i.e., 0.5%.

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Licorice and Vinegar

Licorice contains at least 25 antifungal compounds.  Licorice pill supplements should be available at your local health food store; and, they are a great investment!
Licorice contains at least 25 antifungal compounds. Licorice pill supplements should be available at your local health food store; and, they are a great investment!

There are 25 chemicals that exist in licorice that are known to be able to terminate fungi. Consequently, utilizing these 25 chemicals by including licorice in your herbal vinegar, is a prudent course of action.

In addition to using licorice in your herbal vinegar, you can make a decoction by adding 5 to 7 teaspoons of powdered licorice root to one cup of boiling water, and letting the mixture simmer for about twenty minutes. Once the licorice root decoction has finished simmering, let it cool and you can apply it directly to the area of the body infected with yeast.

Licorice will make a great sweetener, and can be added to antifungal teas.

Licorice and its extracts are safe to use in moderate amounts for short periods of time; which is about three cups of tea a day for less than six weeks. Many side effects of taking high amounts of licorice, or using this herb long term, can largely be eliminated by using deglycyrrhizinated licorice.

There may be some safety concerns when using licorice, and this herb might cause miscarriage or cause premature birth. Large amounts of licorice should not be taken if you have high blood pressure, as licorice can elevate your blood pressure. To learn more about this herb, you can check out this informative article: Licorice Root Yeast Infection Remedy.

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Pau-d’arco and Vinegar

Pau-d’arco has three efficacious yeast fighting chemical compounds that make it a prudent choice for an infushed apple cider vinegar. The three chemical compounds are xyloidine, beta-lapachone, and lapachol. Lapachol’s yeast fighting ability is comparable to that of ketaconazole.

If you wish to use Pau-d’arco, you can add Pau-d’arco to boiling water and create a decoction. If you wish to make a salve, you can put a few capsules of Pau-d’arco into a medicated salve. Alternatively, you may wish to find a commercial preparation of Pau-d’arco and follow the directions provided for you on the package. To learn more about this interesting herb, you can find out more here: Pau D’Arco for Yeast Infections.

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More Herbal Remedies

If you would like to learn about more herbs you can use to stop Candida, Candida Hub has an entire section on this. The herbs listed on this section have a proven track record for stopping Candida. You can order these herbs online or just pick them up at your local grocery store. Many herbs are also able to stop certain viruses and bacteria as well! Consequently, they are great medicinal items to have on hand for dealing with more than just Candida. If you want to enhance your herbal medicine, check out this page detailing some herbs: Herbal Remedies for Yeast Infection.

Author: Mr. Geoff Kent

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Geoff Kent is a natural medicine enthusiast who has been researching and writing about natural medicine since 2008. Geoff is primarily a web developer but also researches and authors written and video content about natural health. Geoff has a bachelor’s degree in Management Information Systems from the University of Northern Iowa.

+ About Geoff Kent


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  • Google Books — James A. Duke. The Green Pharmacy (p.201 synergy of fungal fighting herbs)