
Acidophilus Yeast Infection Cure

Using Acidophilus to Treat Forms of Vaginitis


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You don’t have to buy probiotic milk; you can simply empty a few probiotic capsules into your milk and let it sit in the refrigerator for a while!
You don’t have to buy probiotic milk; you can simply empty a few probiotic capsules into your milk and let it sit in the refrigerator for a while!

Using an acidophilus yeast infection cure helps the body rid itself of yeast in two different ways. The first way acidophilus helps stop yeast infections is by consuming excess sugar in the environment it lives in. As you may know, yeast thrive when there is excessive sugar in the blood. Individuals with uncontrolled diabetes that have high blood sugar levels are more apt to be infected by yeast as there is an abundance of sugar present for yeast to feed off of. If you have diabetes, make sure your blood sugar levels are under control as high blood sugar levels encourages the growth of yeast fungus.

The other way in which acidophilus helps allay a yeast infection is by producing lactic acid. Acidophilus truly is an acid lover and thrives in environments with a pH below 5.0. Yeast fungus does not thrive well in acidic environments and therefore cannot tolerate environments with excessive L. acidophilus colonization.

Acidophilus, Yeast Infections, and Antibiotics

If you are taking, or have taken, broad spectrum antibiotics, you could be more prone to yeast infections.  These powerful drugs wipe out good bacteria along with the bad.
If you are taking, or have taken, broad spectrum antibiotics, you could be more prone to yeast infections. These powerful drugs wipe out good bacteria along with the bad.

If you have taken broad-spectrum antibiotics you are more at risk for developing a yeast infection. If you have taken tetracyclines or other antibiotics for acne you are also more susceptible to yeast overgrowth. The use of broad-spectrum antibiotics will also kill off the helpful lactobacillus and other beneficial bacteria in the body. As you may know, yeast will not be affected by antibiotics and will quickly take advantage of the extra nutrients and more suitable environmental pH; the overgrowth of yeast then causes an outbreak of an agonizing yeast infection.

If you have taken antibiotics, a good way to help reduce the chance you may be infected by yeast is to consume acidophilus either by using a dietary supplement of live acidophilus or by ingesting live culture acidophilus yogurt. Remember, if you are trying to replenish the amount of L. acidophilus bacteria in your body by eating yogurt, make sure the yogurt you are eating contains active cultures of L. acidophilus. Some commercial brands of yogurt do not contain the helpful L. acidophilus bacteria and are also pasteurized, a process that kills bacteria. Dead acidophilus cannot help you reduce the sugar in your body or produce lactic acid.

In addition to antibiotics, please note that some spermicides and contraceptive creams can kill L. acidophilus. If you use these contraceptive products you may be killing off the helpful acidophilus bacteria in the vagina and giving an opportunity to yeast to overgrow and cause another painful infection.

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About L. acidophilus

You can safely insert a probiotic pill into your vagina to alleviate a yeast infection.  Probiotic supplements rich in Lactobacillus acidophilus are what you should look for to use.
You can safely insert a probiotic pill into your vagina to alleviate a yeast infection. Probiotic supplements rich in Lactobacillus acidophilus are what you should look for to use.

The name L. acidophilus literally means an acid-loving milk-bacterium. There are many different types of Lactobacilli that normally inhabit the small intestines of humans and vagina. L. acidophilus is considered to be a probiotic due to the fact it is beneficial to the human body. L. acidophilus produces vitamin K, lactase, and antimicrobial substances. There have been several human trials that have shown L. acidophilus to be helpful in treating bacterial vaginosis.

There are a few side effects that can occur through he use of acidophilus such as abdominal discomfort and gas; however, these symptoms resolve with more use. There are rare reports of infections of heart valves from people taking L. acidophilus and this risk might be greater for individuals with artificial heart valves.

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A Natural, Fast Candida Infection Cure

Linda Allen’s Yeast Infection No More

According to a research paper published in Clinical Microbiology Reviews [12.1 (1999): 80-96], Candida species are quite ubiquitous organisms. Candida are most frequently present in the mouth; and, live in 31% to 55% of healthy people. The species that causes approximately 70% to 80% of all Candida infections is C. albicans.

The Chinese Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology [2011 Jul;46(7):496] reports there appears to be a correlation between intestinal Candida infections and vaginal yeast infections. And, this provides a clue, as to why yeast infections in general, can reoccur.

This study states, in 148 cases of vaginal candida infections, 33.1% of the women were infected in both the intestines and vaginal area. The recurrence rate of yeast infections, in women with simultaneous intestinal infection, was significantly higher than for women who did not have an intestinal infection. This study concluded that vaginal yeast infections are highly associated with simultaneous intestinal Candida infection.

As research appears to indicate, systemic Candida infections can and do happen. A more systemic Candida infection may primarily get a foothold in the intestines; and cause a wide array of problems. If your yeast infections keep happening, a systemic Candida problem may be why.

One woman who suffered from a systemic Candida infection, for about 12 years, was Linda Allen. The systemic Candida infection that attacked Linda caused a wide range of health problems in addition to yeast infections. Some of these problems, Linda describes in her own words in the following quote:

To be honest, it was hard to pinpoint exactly what was wrong: I wasn’t really sick, but I wasn’t really well either. I had listlessness, fatigue, brain fog, stomach ailments, unexplained rashes, skin infections, and so on. It seemed like every day brought a new challenge.

My energy was sapped and I felt exhausted, which affected my grades and put a big dent in my social life.

Linda Allen’s symptoms included an embarrassing vaginal discharge, severe itching, and burning sensations. Her infections were difficult to deal with, and Linda’s health problems cost her financially as well. Linda states these infections of Candida can become excruciating when they happen as frequently as a menstrual period.

Yet, Linda spent a great deal of time in research; and even questioned health professionals who were kind enough to share some time with her. Linda even tried an array of purported "cures." Although it took a while, eventually, Linda put together a natural treatment plan she hoped would solve her Candida situation.

After spending about a year refining her new approach, Linda tried her system on herself. It worked amazingly well. Linda even returned to a few medical doctors to get tested for the presence of infections. These tests revealed all indicators of infection had vanished! Linda was indeed well again, after such a long, difficult journey.

Linda has since published a book detailing how to copy her success. She also includes a 12 hour yeast infection cure that can get rid of a superficial (such as a genital yeast infection or oral thrush) yeast infection in about 12 hours.

Linda’s publisher protects those who get her book with a 60 day, 100% money back guarantee. Linda’s publisher, a subsidiary of the United States based firm Keynetics Incorporated, is a reputable digital retailer that has been around for a long time. They have great customer service, and make getting a full refund on Linda’s book quick and easy. If you’re not satisfied, you can quickly get all your money back.

If you would like to learn more about Linda’s journey to freedom from Candida, see reviews of others who tried her natural system, or find out more about her efficacious book; you can find more information at Linda Allen’s website.

Author: Mr. Geoff Kent

Author Picture

Geoff Kent is a natural medicine enthusiast who has been researching and writing about natural medicine since 2008. Geoff is primarily a web developer but also researches and authors written and video content about natural health. Geoff has a bachelor’s degree in Management Information Systems from the University of Northern Iowa.

+ About Geoff Kent


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  • Dr. William G. Crook. The Yeast Connection and the Women, 1995. ISBN: 0-933478-22-4.
  • Prevention [May90, Vol. 42 Issue 5, p20-23, 1p]
  • FOLK THERAPY FOR VAGINITIS LOOKING GOOD. Science News, 3/7/92, Vol. 141 Issue 10, p158, 1/3p ( commercial brands of yogurt do not have L. acidophilus and pasteurization kills bacteria)
  • -- Fidel, Paul L., Jose A. Vazquez, and Jack D. Sobel. "Candida glabrata: review of epidemiology, pathogenesis, and clinical disease with comparison to C. albicans." Clinical Microbiology Reviews [12.1 (1999): 80-96].
  • -- Lin XL, Li Z, Zuo XL. "Study on the relationship between vaginal and intestinal candida in patients with vulvovaginal candidiasis." Chinese Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology (Zhonghua fu chan ke za zhi). [2011 Jul;46(7):496].