
Herbs for Yeast Infection

Effective Herbal Yeast Infection Remedies


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It may be worthwhile to keep several herbs on hand and have your own home apothecary (the Greek word apotheke means "storehouse").  Herbs can be used to treat more than just fungal infections!
It may be worthwhile to keep several herbs on hand and have your own home apothecary (the Greek word apotheke means "storehouse"). Herbs can be used to treat more than just fungal infections!

There are several efficacious herbs that can be utilized to help mitigate, and eliminate, an arduous yeast infection. Herbal treatments can be quite effective, and can make efficacious alternatives to harsh prescription medications. Herbal treatments are especially sought after by individuals who wish to avoid the side effects conventional yeast killing medication can cause. Please use caution when you use any herbal remedy, as there are many chemical constituents in plants that can cause health complications for certain individuals. Allergic reactions and drug interactions are two possible hazards that you want to avoid before you use any herbal treatment. If you are not familiar with how any medication you may be taking will react with an herb, you may want to discuss using the herb with a medical doctor before trying it. It is especially important to contact an herbal medicine expert before taking any herbal supplement if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

It is often best to use several different herbal treatments in conjunction instead of using one single herbal treatment. By mixing herbs together, a synergy is created from the combination of the different phytochemicals. Because of the synergy created by combining herbs, the mixture of herbs possesses more antifungal capabilities than any single herb would—if utilized on its own. Therefore, it is best to research various herbal remedies; construct your own mixture of herbs; and then use it as a treatment for yeast infection.

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Echinacea for Yeast Infections

Echinacea may be helpful to take internally along with topically using tea tree oil (do not ingest tea tree oil).
Echinacea may be helpful to take internally along with topically using tea tree oil (do not ingest tea tree oil).

Echinacea is also known as purple cone flower; due to the single flowers that are colored either pink or purple it produces; and the large central cone that can be either brown or purple. The large central cone in the flower is where the seeds are located, and the cone also has sharp spines that protrude out from it.

Echinacea is one herb that can be used to help allay a yeast infection. Echinacea works by stimulating the immune system; helping it to send out white blood cells to combat the microscopic fungus that has invaded the body. There was a study conducted showing echinacea was able to protect the mice against the invasion of Candida albicans. Candida albicans is the type of yeast that causes the majority of yeast infections; hence, stopping this fungus proves echincea is a valuable tool in anyone's arsenal of herbs for fighting yeast infections.

The U.S. National Library of Medicine states that echinacea is useful to use in conjunction with the drug econazole. By utilizing echinacea in conjunction with econazole, yeast infection recurrence dropped from 60.5% to only 16%.

Precautions when Taking Echinacea

Herbs contain phytochemicals that can induce side effects and interact with other chemicals that are present in medicines or supplements. Consequently, it is prudent to seek out the advice of a natural medicine expert before utilizing any herbal remedy.

Echinacea may not be appropriate to take for some individuals; due to the fact it can lessen the effectiveness of drugs that suppress the body's immune system. Any individual who must take immunosuppressant drugs, should not take echinacea.

Echinacea can cause allergic reactions that can range in severity to rashes to anaphylaxis. Individuals who have asthma, or suffer from allergies, may have a greater probability of having a harmful reaction to echinacea.

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Astragalus for Yeast Infection

Using astragalus root may also be another herb that helps get rid of yeast infections.
Using astragalus root may also be another herb that helps get rid of yeast infections.

Astragalus has been utilized by Traditional Chinese medicine for millennia as an herb that can help protect the body from health maladies. Today astragalus is utilized by humans to help strengthen and support the body's immune system. Additionally, astragalus could possibly help defend the body against maladies like diabetes and cancer.

Some research conducted on astragalus has proven that this herb is able to increase the effectiveness of the body's immune system. Research has indicated that astragalus strengthens the immune system by supporting the activity of natural killer cells. Astragalus also enhances phagocytosis and causes the immune system to better protect the body.

Precautions when Utilizing Astragalus

When using recommended doses of astragalus, there are no serious side effects caused by this herb; however, astragalus can interact with other medications and herbs. Medications that are administered to suppress the body's immune system may be counteracted by astragalus. If you are using any drug that suppresses the immune system, make sure you consult a licensed medical doctor before you take astragalus.

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Ivy for Yeast Overgrowth

The natural herb ivy may be a good idea to use as a Candida remedy.  English Ivy (Hedera Helix) is pictured in this jar with the cuttings of the plant.
The natural herb ivy may be a good idea to use as a Candida remedy. English Ivy (Hedera Helix) is pictured in this jar with the cuttings of the plant.

Ivy (Hedera helix) leaves are an efficacious treatment for Candida and several different bacteria. Commission E, a body of scientists that advises the German government, suggests using 0.3 grams of ivy for various inflammatory maladies. Using 0.3 grams of ivy should be an appropriate dose for helping to remedy a yeast infection. To utilize ivy, you can make a tea by steeping the ivy in hot water for approximately 15 minutes.

More Herbal Remedies

If you would like to learn about more herbs you can use to stop Candida, Candida Hub has an entire section on this. The herbs listed on this section have a proven track record for stopping Candida. You can order these herbs online, or just pick them up at your local grocery store. Many are also able to stop certain viruses and bacteria as well! If you want to enhance your herbal medicine, check out this page detailing these herbs: Herbal Remedies for Yeast Infection.

Author: Mr. Geoff Kent

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Geoff Kent is a natural medicine enthusiast who has been researching and writing about natural medicine since 2008. Geoff is primarily a web developer but also researches and authors written and video content about natural health. Geoff has a bachelor’s degree in Management Information Systems from the University of Northern Iowa.

+ About Geoff Kent


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  • Google Books — Duke, James A., The Green Pharmacy. Copyright 1997 (commission E p.436)