
Coconut Oil for Yeast Infection

Natural Coconut Oil Yeast Infection Treatments


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Coconut oil is a great home remedy for yeast infections.  This is a safe food you can incorporate into your diet.  Eating coconut oil may have the ability to help reduce Candida in the intestines as well!
Coconut oil is a great home remedy for yeast infections. This is a safe food you can incorporate into your diet. Eating coconut oil may have the ability to help reduce Candida in the intestines as well!

Coconut oil is a tropical oil that is rich in medium chain fatty acids. About half of coconut oil is actually comprised of the fatty acid lauric acid. Lauric acid, along with capric acid, are proven to be able to stop Candida growth. So coconut oil can be used topically on the skin or in the vagina to kill off a yeast infection. You can even eat coconut oil and it will start to eliminate the yeast in your digestive system; an important first step in becoming totally yeast free. Coconut oil will help to reduce the inflammation of the mucosa of the digestive system and vagina; making it less conducive to Candida colonization. And, eating coconut oil, as we will discuss later, can help you lose fat due to the medium chain fatty acids. So including it in your diet, in small amounts, isn’t going to fatten you up; on the contrary, it will start killing off yeast in the body and help to improve your metabolism.

Coconut oil is also excellent for helping hair to stay healthy. It can even be used to cure other fungal infections by applying topically to the infected area. If you eat coconut oil daily, some of the chemicals in this oil will start to be secreted by your sweat glands; giving you naturally anti-fungal sweat! Many types of bacteria are also stymied by coconut oil; although in this article, we will mostly concentrate on how coconut oil treats yeast infections.

Research on Coconut Oil

A study, published in Journal of Medicinal Food [10.2 (2007): 384-387], was very comprehensive on determining how well coconut oil would work for treating a yeast infection. The study used 52 different isolates of Candida which included species of C. albicans, C. glabrata, C. tropicalis, C. parapsilosis, C. stellatoidea, and C. krusei. Concentrations of 0.79% to 100% coconut oil were tested. Many Candida species were susceptible with as little as 3.13% concentration.

The study in the Journal of Medicinal Food [10.2 (2007): 384-387] also cited research done by Bergsson et al., published in Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy [45.11 (2001): 3209-3212]. Bergsson et al., found that capric acid, followed by lauric acid, were the best inhibitors of the three strains of Candida albicans used. Both capric and lauric acid can be tolerated by mucosal linings of the body (such as in the intestines and vagina), and therefore can be used in higher concentrations. Bergsson et al. found that a dilution of 1/10 of capric acid totally stopped Candida colonies from forming. Thus, capric acid is perhaps the primary reason why coconut oil, which contains this chemical constituent, is able to stop Candida overgrowth. The Journal of Medicinal Food [10.2 (2007): 384-387] had this to say about Bergsson et al.’s findings:

Bergsson et al. tested the components of coconut oil (capric acid, lauric acid) for cytotoxicity, and it was stated that even if lipids are toxic in cell cultures, other studies have shown that they are not toxic to skin and mucosa at much higher concentrations. If these chemical constituents are extracted and made into cream, there might be better activity, and the MIC would be much reduced.

What you may want to know is exactly why coconut oil can naturally treat a yeast infection. Coconut oil contains about 50% lauric acid; which is proven to inhibit Candida. Also, coconut oil contains about 6 to 10% capric acid; which, inhibits Candida even better than lauric acid. These are the primary chemical constituents of coconut oil that give the oil its Candicidal efficacy. A study, published in Bailey's Industrial Oil and Fat Products [2005], determined the chemical constituents of coconut oil.

So of these fatty acids, you may want to know if there has been any research to see if any are active against Candida. One study we already addressed, published in Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy [45.11 (2001): 3209-3212], determined the effects of many different fatty acids and monoglycerides on Candida albicans by incubating the yeast for 10 min at 37°C in these compounds.

Caprylic Acid and Candida

No doubt, you may have heard about caprylic acid being a reason why coconut oil fights Candida; and, it is even recommended to be included in Candida fighting products. Yet, if you checked out the aforementioned studies, you have seen that caprylic acid doesn’t seem to do anything to Candida in vitro (in glass). So, it is logical to conclude there is nothing any in vivo (in the living) application would do to stop Candida either. It would be strange if somehow the body’s chemicals or processes altered caprylic acid and made it Candicidal; likely this is impossible. So, please ignore those who say caprylic acid is an efficacious treatment for yeast infections. For a more detailed analysis of this topic, and research to verify this fact, check out Caprylic Acid and Candida Infections.

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Additional Research

A biofilm is a thick layer microbes produce to shield themselves from their environment; making it easier for the microbes to grow and thrive in their environment.
A biofilm is a thick layer microbes produce to shield themselves from their environment; making it easier for the microbes to grow and thrive in their environment.

Another study, published in the Journal of Microbiology, Immunology and Infection [43.5 (2010): 447-451], was conducted on biofilm forming strain of Candida albicans. The study analyzed several different plant oils, of which one was coconut oil. The study found that coconut oil did not have the strongest zone of inhibition (the radius around a drop of coconut oil that is free of Candida growth), but did inhibit the yeast. The study found that a 1.5% concentration of coconut oil inhibited Candida albicans; and, a 3% concentration of coconut oil killed Candida albicans. So, if you use 100% coconut oil in your vagina, you are really getting more than enough oil to kill the yeast.

What the study found was eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus) and peppermint (Mentha piperita) essential oils were the best at killing Candida albicans. Eucalyptus oil at a concentration of 0.12% and peppermint oil at a concentration of 0.15% both killed Candida albicans. What would probably be best is to use coconut oil as a carrier oil and add some eucalyptus and peppermint essential oils to it. The late Dr. James Duke, author of many books on herbs and plant medicine, suggested, in his book The Green Pharmacy, that you mix antifungal herbs together. According to Dr. Duke, the research continually shows that combinations of essential plant oils work better at stopping Candida than single oils alone. There is essentially a “healing synergy” created when multiple herbs or essential oils are used to treat a fungal infection.

Another study, published in PLoS One [5.8 (2010): e12050], was conducted on Candida albicans and sought to understand how another yeast, and the chemicals it secrets, interfere with Candida albicans’ virulence. The study found that capric acid suppresses the expression of Candida albicans genes that regulate adhesion ability and hyphae formation. Capric acid was also able to reduce Candida albicans’ ability to adhere to surfaces as well. Thus, capric acid can play a large role in keeping yeast from attaching themselves to the lining of the intestines and vagaina; as well as inhibit the direct growth of yeast.

Coconut Oil and Immune Function

Coconut oil and zinc can improve the immune system and help fight off Candida infections.  The water soluble zinc salts sulfate, acetate, and gluconate can be found in many supplements.
Coconut oil and zinc can improve the immune system and help fight off Candida infections. The water soluble zinc salts sulfate, acetate, and gluconate can be found in many supplements.

Coconut oil may very well reduce the inflammation of mucosa by aiding in the immune system’s anti-inflammatory response (Enig, Mary G., 1999). Inflammation in the mucosa, can aid Candida colonization of such inflamed surfaces. Then, Candida can cause further inflammation via its colonization of the mucosa. The end result is a hazardous cycle of inflammation and colonization.

Virgin coconut oil enriched with zinc can also help the human body’s immune system operate well. A study, published in Journal of Biosciences [15.4 (2009): 135], looked at the use of virgin coconut oil (VCO) enriched with zinc and the effects it would have on the immune system of vaginal candidiasis patients. In the study, 30 women were selected and monitored for two months. One group of 10 took 2 tablespoons of VCO enriched with zinc daily, another 10 took 1 tablespoon of VCO enriched with zinc daily, and the final 10 did not take anything—serving as a control. The study found that VCO enriched with zinc decreased the amount of Immunoglobulin G (IgG), the most abundant type of antibody in the body. This reduction in IgG indicates that there was less infection in the body; therefore, a lower level means less need for the body to defend itself. To conclude, the researchers involved in this study stated the following about this therapy’s effects:

In conclusion, the treatment to vaginal candidiasis patients showed that the VCO enriched with Zn was potential as immunostimulator. However, it is recommended for vaginal candidiasis patient to consume the VCO enriched with Zn with a dosage of 1 tablespoon each day to optimise the immune status.

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Switch to Coconut Oil and Loose Weight!

There is some degree of scientific evidence to support the claim that coconut oil helps you to lose weight. Coconut oil is composed primarily of medium chain fatty acids (MCFA); conversely, many other oils and fats from animals are comprised of long chain fatty acids (LCFA). MCFA are processed and burned directly in the liver and raise overall body temperature—a phenomenon known as a “thermogenic effect.” By increasing the temperature of your body, you will burn more calories; and, over the course of a year or so, this can really add up. Additionally, coconut oil MCFA are not stored as fat by the body; making them of great value to those wishing to keep their body fat down. A study that relates this information, entitled Coconut Fats, was published in 2006 in the Ceylon Medical Journal [2006 Jun; 51 (2):47-51]. A PDF of the study is linked to in this article’s sources; it is a great read, and outlines why coconut oil will help you lose weight.

Finally, another study was published in ISRN pharmacology [2011], that showed how a few weeks use of virgin coconut oil would slightly reduce waist line circumference. It is plausible to say that a year of practicing a diet rich in coconut oil, instead of other fats, would have even greater reduction effects on the waist.

Consequent to its great diet appeal, you should not be afraid to switch your fats over to coconut oil whenever possible. This will help keep your digestive system free of yeast overgrowth, and probably help you cut out a few pounds of fat every month. If you wish to supercharge your coconut oil treatment plan, try buying lauric acid and capric acid pills to take. Coconut oil is about 50% lauric acid, so perhaps getting capric acid supplements would be a more desirable course of action!

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A Natural, 12 Hour Yeast Infection Cure

Linda Allen’s Yeast Infection No More

According to a research paper published in Clinical Microbiology Reviews [12.1 (1999): 80-96], Candida species are quite ubiquitous organisms. Candida are most frequently present in the mouth; and, live in 31% to 55% of healthy people. The species that causes approximately 70% to 80% of all Candida infections is C. albicans.

The Chinese Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology [2011 Jul;46(7):496] reports there appears to be a correlation between intestinal Candida infections and vaginal yeast infections. And, this provides a clue, as to why yeast infections in general, can reoccur.

This study states, in 148 cases of vaginal candida infections, 33.1% of the women were infected in both the intestines and vaginal area. The recurrence rate of yeast infections, in women with simultaneous intestinal infection, was significantly higher than for women who did not have an intestinal infection. This study concluded that vaginal yeast infections are highly associated with simultaneous intestinal Candida infection.

As research appears to indicate, systemic Candida infections can and do happen. A more systemic Candida infection may primarily get a foothold in the intestines; and cause a wide array of problems. If your yeast infections keep happening, a systemic Candida problem may be why.

One woman who suffered from a systemic Candida infection, for about 12 years, was Linda Allen. The systemic Candida infection that attacked Linda caused a wide range of health problems in addition to yeast infections. Some of these problems, Linda describes in her own words in the following quote:

To be honest, it was hard to pinpoint exactly what was wrong: I wasn’t really sick, but I wasn’t really well either. I had listlessness, fatigue, brain fog, stomach ailments, unexplained rashes, skin infections, and so on. It seemed like every day brought a new challenge.

My energy was sapped and I felt exhausted, which affected my grades and put a big dent in my social life.

Linda Allen’s symptoms included an embarrassing vaginal discharge, severe itching, and burning sensations. Her infections were difficult to deal with, and Linda’s health problems cost her financially as well. Linda states these infections of Candida can become excruciating when they happen as frequently as a menstrual period.

Yet, Linda spent a great deal of time in research; and even questioned health professionals who were kind enough to share some time with her. Linda even tried an array of purported "cures." Although it took a while, eventually, Linda put together a natural treatment plan she hoped would solve her Candida situation.

After spending about a year refining her new approach, Linda tried her system on herself. It worked amazingly well. Linda even returned to a few medical doctors to get tested for the presence of infections. These tests revealed all indicators of infection had vanished! Linda was indeed well again, after such a long, difficult journey.

Linda has since published a book detailing how to copy her success. She also includes a 12 hour yeast infection cure that can get rid of a superficial (such as a genital yeast infection or oral thrush) yeast infection in about 12 hours.

Linda’s publisher protects those who get her book with a 60 day, 100% money back guarantee. Linda’s publisher, a subsidiary of the United States based firm Keynetics Incorporated, is a reputable digital retailer that has been around for a long time. They have great customer service, and make getting a full refund on Linda’s book quick and easy. If you’re not satisfied, you can quickly get all your money back.

If you would like to learn more about Linda’s journey to freedom from Candida, see reviews of others who tried her natural system, or find out more about her efficacious book; you can find more information at Linda Allen’s website.

Author: Mr. Geoff Kent

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Geoff Kent is a natural medicine enthusiast who has been researching and writing about natural medicine since 2008. Geoff is primarily a web developer but also researches and authors written and video content about natural health. Geoff has a bachelor’s degree in Management Information Systems from the University of Northern Iowa.

+ About Geoff Kent


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