
Candida Cleanse with Colon Hydrotherapy

Removing Candida with Colon Irrigation


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Colon hydrotherapy can help remove excess yeast from the colon. However, engaging in this procedure too often may be harmful. The primary way to rid the colon of Candida is to use antifungal herbs. Flushing out part of the yeast, will only help so much.
Colon hydrotherapy can help remove excess yeast from the colon. However, engaging in this procedure too often may be harmful. The primary way to rid the colon of Candida is to use antifungal herbs. Flushing out part of the yeast, will only help so much.

There is a lot of debate going on about colon hydrotherapy. I tend to be one who believes our modern diets, and use of antibiotics, can cause gunk to build up in the intestines. Colon cleanses likely do not hurt to engage in (if not done too often), so there is minimal risk in undergoing the procedure occasionally. However, some practitioners put material in the liquid used to wash the colon, that forms into thick material; this is a hoax tactic. So, if you do decide to get colon hydrotherapy done for Candida in the gut, make sure you trust who does the procedure!

One thing is clear in all this debate: Candida does colonize the digestive system to some extent in many people. Thus, if the bacteria in the colon have been compromised—say through antibiotic use—and yeast are growing in it; then, cleansing the colon will physically remove much of the yeast. Weather or not you need to engage in hydrotherapy to do this, that is going to be a decision you will have to make.

What is Colon Hydrotherapy?

Colon hydrotherapy, also known as colon irrigation, is the process whereby the colon is flooded with water by the insertion of a hose up the anus. There can be a lot of water used at times for this procedure—sometimes around 16 gallons (about 60 liters). This water washes away the material in the colon and is said to remove intestinal plaque and rancid undigested food. This is supposed to allow these built up substances the ability to be cleaned from the large intestine.

This therapy, if say coffee or other potent chemical is used, can be dangerous. You can die from drinking about 100 cups of coffee at once; and, if you get too much coffee in your body, you could die from caffeine poisoning. If you do use something besides water in your colon irrigation, make sure it is safe to use. Stay away from large amounts of coffee as this could prove lethal. Never put coffee into your large intestine.

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Concerning Claims Against Hydrotherapy

Some Candida can be removed from the colon with hydrotherapy. Candida that is firmly attached, and rooted into, the lining of the colon will likely not be removed via flushing with fluids. Image Source: Cell Death Discovery 2.1 (2016): 1-2.
Some Candida can be removed from the colon with hydrotherapy. Candida that is firmly attached, and rooted into, the lining of the colon will likely not be removed via flushing with fluids. Image Source: Cell Death Discovery 2.1 (2016): 1-2.

James C. Whorton, who wrote Inner Hygiene: Constipation and the Pursuit of Health in Modern Society, discussed colon hydrotherapy to some extent in this book. The book was praised as a well done work by a Bulletin of the History of Medicine [76.1 (2002): 171-172] review. In his book, Whorton notes that adamant critics of colon hydrotherapy often merely ridicule the process without much thought. These critics often cite the generally held assumption that colon irrigation is useless, without providing adequate information. Some of the research papers that attempt to discredit this practice, are done with very few individuals, and lack serious evidence that such practices don’t work.

I feel that a paper published in the Journal of Alternative & Complementary Medicine [12.4 (2006): 389-393], which tends to side with the thought that colon hydrotherapy is valid, is an essential read for those interested in knowing the full story. The paper presents a good point in their discussion well by stating:

The modern medical attitude toward colonic irrigations suffers from a lack of information about the historical debate on their safety and efficacy. The history that has been presented by some modern authors (e.g., Ernst, 1997; Whorton, 2000) does not address the debate among physicians regarding the value of colonics, instead focusing on the campaign against the practitioners with exaggerated claims... Ernst states that in the early 1900s, “rigorous scientific investigation into the theory of autointoxication was initiated for the first time. The hypothesis was soon found to be wrong.” A search of the literature, however, reveals little evidence of scientific investigation. In parallel with the crusade against quackery, there was a reasoned debate among physicians... That debate was not resolved by scientific research on colonics, but rather from a combination of hostility toward colonics by the opponents of quackery that made it difficult for research to be done…

Journal of Alternative & Complementary Medicine [12.4 (2006): 389-393]

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Claims for Colon Cleansing

Dr. William Crook speculates, evacuating feces from the colon, can aid in the recovery from Candida yeast overgrowing in this area.
Dr. William Crook speculates, evacuating feces from the colon, can aid in the recovery from Candida yeast overgrowing in this area.

One of the foremost experts of yeast connected health issues, the late Dr. William Crook, also speculates that cleansing the colon helps with Candida. In his book, The Yeast Connection (p. 242), in the footnote about his suggestion to empty the colon using a laxative or enema before using nystatin (which is a prescription antifungal), Crook makes an interesting statement. Crook, who personally practiced medicine for many years, stated that for Candida sufferers “cleaning out the lower bowel may help even though nystatin isn’t used. Why? I don’t Know.” Crook goes on to explain; that he had heard several reports from physicians, nurses, and other health care personnel; relating that cleaning out the colon can help Candida patients. This was especially true for those with Candida and persistent constipation or bloating. Crook speculated that mechanically removing the yeast spores and mycelial growth in the gut would help to get rid of some of the yeast.

It is also likely that the medical industry at large is not all too interested in solving this problem. The money to be made, from digestion products alone, is staggering. Thus, there are not very many pecuniary reasons to advance a therapy that could drastically cut into the bottom line of many pharmaceutical, and over the counter, drug companies. This is, of course, merely a speculation as to why more clear research on the topic is not more available.

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Choosing a Practitioner

Because there are people who try to fool you by putting things that look like sludge from the colon in their hydrotherapy liquid, you probably want a professional who won’t scam you do the procedure. Also, they perhaps know more about the hazards of using various chemicals in the colon irrigation liquid. Consequently, make sure your hydrotherapist is certified by ARCH (Association of Registered Colonic Hydrotherapists) or RICTAT (Register of Colonic Hydrotherapists and Trainers).

Gut Candida Problems

As the gut yeast infection article on Candida Hub deliniates, Candida in the gut is a serious concern. Yeast in the gut can migrate across the intestinal barriers and enter the bloodstream. Although the yeast in the small intestine are perhaps more likely to do this. There are many studies that are cited to show how possible it is for yeast to affect your whole health. Dr. Crook often says the same thing; yeast in the gut produce toxins and drastically affect your health. His comprehensive experience, with successful anti-Candida therapy, proves how true this is. If you can get a hold of one of his books, you will find them informative and helpful! For more information on digestive system health issues related to Candida check out these pages:

Author: Mr. Geoff Kent

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Geoff Kent is a natural medicine enthusiast who has been researching and writing about natural medicine since 2008. Geoff is primarily a web developer but also researches and authors written and video content about natural health. Geoff has a bachelor’s degree in Management Information Systems from the University of Northern Iowa.

+ About Geoff Kent


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  • Whorton, James C. Inner hygiene: constipation and the pursuit of health in modern society. Oxford University Press, 2000.
  • — Verbrugge, Martha H. "Inner Hygiene: Constipation and the Pursuit of Health in Modern Society (review)." Bulletin of the History of Medicine 76.1 (2002): 171-172.
  • — Richards, Douglas G., et al. "Colonic irrigations: a review of the historical controversy and the potential for adverse effects." Journal of Alternative & Complementary Medicine 12.4 (2006): 389-393.
  • Crook, William Grant. The Yeast Connection and the Woman. Professional Books, 1997.

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