
Natural Cures for Yeast Infections

Natural Home Remedies that can Help with Candida Yeast


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Natural medicines are often safer and more effective than prescription drugs.  Where do pharmaceutical companies look for new chemicals, if not nature itself?
Natural medicines are often safer and more effective than prescription drugs. Where do pharmaceutical companies look for new chemicals, if not nature itself?

There are a vast assortment of natural treatment methods espoused by various authors and herbalists. Some natural remedies, propounded by experts, can be quite involved and require adherence to strict dietary protocols. Other natural remedies involve using various herbs that possess natural fungicidal chemical constituents.

Without correcting the root causes of a yeast infection, many avenues of dealing with yeast infections will not halt yeast infection recurrence. Adhering to a anti-Candida diet can help stop yeast infections, but these diets are often difficult to follow and require you to not ingest anything with a high sugar content. Once you cheat on an anti-Candida diet, a yeast infection can manifest again soon after you cheat on your diet.

Home Remedies that can Help

A great thing about home remedies is you can use them and keep them at home!  Natural medicine is both fun and efficacious.
A great thing about home remedies is you can use them and keep them at home! Natural medicine is both fun and efficacious.
  • Avoid wearing anything but white cotton underwear for you undergarments. Cotton can help keep the vaginal area free of moisture by giving air to naturally dry the vaginal area as you go through your day. In addition to wearing only white cotton underwear, choosing to wear loose fitting jeans is another way you can help keep air circulating around the vagina. Tight jeans may reduce the amount of air that can circulate in the vaginal area; making it more apt to trap moisture and become conducive to the development of fungi.
  • Yeast infections are sometimes caused by a change in the pH of the vagina, and even if they are not, lowering the pH of the vagina via diluted vinegar can be a wise course of action. But, be sure not to use strong concentrations of vinegar; as this can irritate the skin or cause chemical burns to occur. You can use a douche consisting of apple cider vinegar (ACV) and water to treat yourself. Simply put two tablespoons of ACV in one quart of room temperature distilled water and douche twice a day with this solution. The ACV will help to lower the pH of the vagina and make it less conducive to the growth of yeast fungi.
  • If you are bothered by athlete’s foot, you can also use diluted vinegar to help cure your feet of the fungus which causes athlete’s foot. You can soak your feet in a solution of 50% water and 50% apple cider vinegar for approximately 5 minutes each day until your symptoms of athlete’s foot subside.
  • If you want to help prevent athlete’s foot, you can wear socks created with fabrics that help to pull moisture away from your skin. Fabrics that can help keep moisture off of the skin include Polartec, CoolMax, nylon, and acrylic.
  • Make sure your skin does not come in contact with another person’s fungal infection. Oral thrush can be transferred from a baby’s mouth to a mother’s nipple; therefore you should sterilize your baby’s bottle and make sure you do not breast feed while your baby has oral thrush. You can also be prepared for walking in showers and pools by ensuring you have some type of shoes or sandals on your feet—thus preventing fungus from transferring to your feet from a wet floor.

A 1/2 Day & Yeast is Gone!

Linda Allen suffered from yeast infections for years. Through researching natural medicine & Candida, she found an efficacious solution!

Linda is one expert you want on your side! Let her show you how to get rid of a superficial yeast infection in just 12 hours; AND, keep it gone!

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Clair Goodall: Author & Nature Lover

Clair Goodall is a bee-obsessed natural medicine convert from Minnesota. She is one expert you might want to know more about!

Clair will help you protect you and your family from toxic products and chemicals and help you discover solutions from nature.

Also, Clair’s book is backed by a 60-day, 100% money back guarantee

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Vitamins to Help the Body Fight a Yeast Infection

Vitamin supplements (avoid multivitamins due to poor bio-availability) can help improve your health.  Also probiotics benefit you physiologically!
Vitamin supplements (avoid multivitamins due to poor bio-availability) can help improve your health. Also probiotics benefit you physiologically!

The immune system plays an important role in keeping your physiological condition in a healthy status. There are a plethora of health maladies that can cause the immune system to function at less than an optimal level. In addition to health maladies, there are also medical procedures; e.g., chemotherapy and radiation treatments, that can also weaken the immune system. To help ensure that your body has everything it needs to have a powerful immune system, you can provide it with essential vitamins and minerals. Vitamins and minerals play many diverse roles in the body, and some uses for these micronutrients, involve the immune system.

Vitamins like A, C, and E and the B vitamins are all required by the immune system for various functions. Minerals like zinc, copper, and iron are also necessary for the body’s immune system to function optimally. Keeping your body supplied with the right amounts of these chemicals can ensure you are properly nourishing your body. This is even more important if you are having to endure the agony of a yeast infection!

You can get extra vitamins and minerals in your diet by eating foods that are rich in these micronutrients or by taking a dietary supplements; e.g., vitamin supplements. Make sure you investigate the recommended daily allowance of each nutrient before you begin supplementation. It is especially important not to ingest too many fat soluble vitamins—as these vitamins can build up in your system and cause adverse physiological reactions. If you are not sure about how much of a specific nutrient you should consume, talk to a licensed physician before you implement a routine of taking the nutrient.

Author: Mr. Geoff Kent

Author Picture

Geoff Kent is a natural medicine enthusiast who has been researching and writing about natural medicine since 2008. Geoff is primarily a web developer but also researches and authors written and video content about natural health. Geoff has a bachelor’s degree in Management Information Systems from the University of Northern Iowa.

+ About Geoff Kent


The information on this website is not a prescription for anyone. This information is for informational or educational purposes only, and is not a substitute for professional medical advice or consultations with healthcare professionals.

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  • Google Books — Earl L. Mindell, Larry M. Johns. Amazing Apple Cider Vinegar. Keats Publishing, Los Angeles. (p.26 candida treatment with acv douche)